The LFA strongly believes that we are stronger and better
together. LFA membership offers a diverse range of valuable
services and benefits. If you own or operate a well-known brand, or wish to develop your concept into a full-fledged franchise system, the LFA is the appropriate association to accompany you on your path
towards development and growth.
Local Success Stories
Franchisors are local brands and companies that have developed and systemized a defined concept - one that has proven to be successful in the market, and beyond.
Franchisees are companies that are signatories to franchise agreements with international brands having established their presence in Lebanon and the overall region.
Companies committed to transforming their concept and that are actively working towards meeting full membership requirements
within a period of two years.
The LFA welcomes the participation of Lebanese experts who have experience in
the franchising industry, mainly in the fields of franchise program development
and legal services.
The LFA seeks to expand economic opportunities by encouraging collaboration
between LFA members and their suppliers create a
cycle of mutually-rewarding cooperation.